
Быстрая навигиция: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, USA, Middle East,

HL Headoffice Austria

Brauhausgasse 3-5
A-2325 Himberg
T: +43 / (0) 2235 / 862 91-0
F: +43 / (0) 2235 / 862 91-31
e-mail: office@hutterer-lechner.com

Gebiet Ost: Wien/Niederösterreich/Burgenland Nord

Josef Kellner: 0664/96 89 054
e-mail: kellner@hutterer-lechner.com
Zeljko Sapina: 0664/84 91 240
e-mail: sapina@hutterer-lechner.com

Gebiet Süd: Steiermark/Kärnten/Burgenland Süd

Martin Hörzer: 0664/84 91 242
e-mail: hoerzer@hutterer-lechner.com

Gebiet Mitte: Salzburg/Oberösterreich

Karl Weninger: 0664/22 44 769
e-mail: weninger@hutterer-lechner.com

Gebiet West: Tirol/Vorarlberg/Südtirol

Alexander Wachter: 0664/84 91 241
e-mail: wachter@hutterer-lechner.com

HL International

HL Bosnia and Herzegovina

Remak d.o.o
Nedima Filipovica 27d
BIH-71000 Sarajevo
T: +387/(0)33 716841
F: +387/(0)33 716840
M: +387/61158245
e-mail: remak@bih.net.ba

HL Bulgaria

Informative office Dipl. Ing. Krasimir Georgiev
bul. Rakovski 26 A, office 314
BG-6300 Haskowo
T/F: +359/(0)38 663 683
M: +359/(0)888 644 574
e-mail: hl@escom.bg

HL Croatia

Kristijan Ozimec
T/F: +385 49 468 473
M: +385 99 31 46 587
e-mail: hl.info@email.t-com.hr

HL Cyprus

Nianpa (Patatos) Ltd
Foti Pitta 32, Palaiometocho
Industrial Area, 2682
P.O. Box 25528
1310 Nicosia
T: +357 22 35 38 08
M: +357 22 35 31 73
e-mail: sales@nianpa.com

HL Czech Republic

Technická kancelář
Dipl. Ing. J. Maňas
Zámečnické nám. 54/6
CZ-66451 Šlapanice,
T/F: +420 54 522 34 20
M: +420 602 519295
e-mail: manas@odtokyhl.cz

T. Zelený
T/F: +420 54 522 34 20
M: +420 724 024 657
e-mail: tomzeleny@odtokyhl.cz

HL Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Saulius Salna
HL Baltic Technical Center
Jonavos str. 254
LT-44312 Kaunas, Lithuania
М: +370 64511101
e-mail: saulius@hlbaltic.info

HL France

15 rue des Frères Lumière
F-68000 Colmar
T.: +33/(0)389/29 45 45
F: +33/(0)389/29 45 49
e-mail: info@colena.com

HL Greece

Christos Al. Tselis -
Christos V. Tselis
Central Office:
Old National Road Patras-Korinthos & Roumelioti
Ag. Vasileios, Tseleika
GR-26504 Rion
T: +30 2610 911411
F: +30 2610 911412

Branch office:
27-29 Karaiskaki St.
GR-26225 Patras
T: +30 2610 620524
F: +30 2610 225440
e-mail: info@tselcon.gr

HL Hungary

Gémes Attila
Örs vezér tere 1
H-1148 Budapest
M: +36-30-5000-434
e-mail: HuttererLechner@chello.hu
web: www.huttererlechner.hu

HL Italy

Ufficio informazioni
Giuseppe Fazio
Via Cimabue no. 9
I-20148 Milano
T/F: +39 023271213
M: +39 3484206070
e-mail: hlfazio@tiscalinet.it

HL Poland

Biuro informacyjne
Cezary Rycak
Renesansowa 21/62
PL-01-905 Warszawa
T/F: +48 22/6631417
M: +48 602/30 00 92
e-mail: rycak@onet.pl

Biuro techniczne Siemianowice Sl.
Marcin Biziorek
Śl. ul. Krucza 3/4
PL-41-100 Siemianowice
T/F: +48 032 209 43 46
M: +48 602 469 602
email: mbiziorek@op.pl

HL Romania

HLWERNER-Birou de informaţii
şi consultanţă tehnică
Mátyus István Werner
Lehel u. 149
H-4761 Porcsalma
T: +40/788 241 960
+40/788 864 017
e-mail: hlwerner@zappmobile.ro

HL Russia

представители в России:
Якушин Сергей,
Yakushin Sergey
М: +7(495) 211 68 64 e-mail: hl@interma.ru

Старостенко Андрей
Starostenko Andrej
М: +7(495) 765-0227
e-mail: starostenko@interma.ru
web: www.hlrus.ru

HL Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro

Miroslav Curcic
Brace Krkljusa 5
21000 Novi Sad
T: +381(0)64 6159121
F: +381(0)21 469167
e-mail: curcicmiroslav@yahoo.com

HL Slovakia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan

Informačná kancelária
Dipl. Ing. Pavol Mayer
Pri Vápenickom potoku 20
84106 Bratislava
T/F: +421 2 65956202
M: +421 905 451901
e-mail: mayer.pavol@ba.telecom.sk

HL Slovenia

Informativni biro
Miran Gmajner, dipl. ing.
Stantetova 11
SI-3320 Velenje
T: +386(3)5868347
M: +386(0)31285969
e-mail: miran.gmajner@siol.net

HL Switzerland

Europlast 2000 GmbH
Reutlingerstraße 18
T: +41 523 351 630
F: +41 523 353 342
CH - 8472 Seuzach

HL Turkey

Gelişim Teknik San. Ve Tic. Paz. A.Ş.
Serik Cad. Havaalanı Karşısı No. 411
Merkez 07300 Antalya; Türkiye
T: +90/(0)242/340 25 75
F:+90/(0)242/340 25 77
e-mail: info@gelisimteknik.com.tr
home: www.gelisimteknik.com.tr

HL Ukraine

Рыбаков Алексей
Rybakov Alexey
T: +38 044 531 67 17
M: +38 067 467 37 19
e-mail: alexey@hl.com.ua

HL Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, USA, Middle East

Dallmer GmbH + Co.
Wiebelsheidestraße 25
D-59757 Arnsberg
T: +49/(0)29 32/96 16-0
F: +49/(0)29 32/96 16-222
home: www.dallmer.de

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